I havent written in a while, but that doesn't mean I've stopped. i'm still in the crypto earning game, and doing well.
I've found a few new sites which are doing really great which i know you should check out.
This first one is a MUST. It's getting free coin from your phone.. and it's not like it's mining, it's based on GPS!!
Check it out now, earning plenty of coin daily, with great facebook groups and communities to help!
Click HERE for a great free app to earn lots of coin daily! Even sitting around at home!!
There is also a great auto faucet to use, for multiple different cryptocurrencies, and i have withdrawn a lot from it, so go ahead now
AND AND AND.. one more thing.. a great game to play on your phone and earn TRX tokens on it :) fun and free, click here to play
Hey, let's play Crypto Idle Miner together, you can earn some Hora Tokens!